March/April/May 2023
Volume XXXIV, Number 5

On the Cover:
Sunset by Helen Mar Parkin
In this issue, passionate traveler Vicki Cameron describes a harrowing journey to half a dozen sheep-raising countries in search of treasure: precious skeins for her hooking projects back home. It’s a perilous saga filled with tricksters, false promises, tiny trolls, and carry-on baggage restrictions. We also look at artists in the prairie who get inspiration from the landscape, and its embedded history, that surrounds them; hookers who can pull positive reinforcement from the sometimes harsh feedback others give; and a guild in upstate New York that found a way to help people in need half a world away.
In a Flower Garden
Welcome Spring with this Free-Spirited Project
by Gwen Dixon
Geometric Pattern Rugs
The Perfect Project for an Inspiring Change of Pace
by Susan M. Cunningham
Hatching a Charity Challenge
Supporting Ukrainian Relief Efforts by Hooking Traditional Eggs
by Jewel Hayes
A Wooly Saga
The Great International Search for Skeins
by Vicki Cameron
A Friendship Tree to Make Together
A Pattern for International Punch Needle Rug Hooking Day
by Katie Stackhouse
This Year’s Readers’ Choice Winners
Your Picks from Celebration 32
by the Staff of RHM
Designer’s Showcase: For the Love of Nebraska
by Tamara Pavich
Blast from the Past: Magpie Cherry Pie
by Karen Larsen
Artful Color: Standing Up for Critique
by Wanda Kerr
Canadian Connection: Herstory Backstory
by Lisa Meecham
First Rug on the Last Page: Prim Floral
by Amy Hamilton
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