
A Pandemic Fix

Or, Is a Hooked Rug Ever Really Finished?

By: Karl Gimber
A Pandemic Fix

Have you ever slowly—reluctantly—come to the conclusion after finishing a rug that the background wool you selected was the wrong choice? That has happened to us with at least two of our rugs.  Trade signs were a form of advertising that hung outside a shopkeeper’s building to inform the public what products or services were available within. Therefore, it was important that the central image of the sign be clearly visible and understood.

As time went by, we started to think that at some point the backgrounds should be pulled out and replaced. But it appeared to be a big job to undertake and, besides, it was more fun to create new rugs. Fifteen years went by before we finally “bit the bullet” and decided to tackle the job. We started to seriously consider fixing the rugs during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our retirement community strongly encouraged us to hunker down in our cottages and minimize leaving our campus. With all this time available, why not fix the rugs?


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