
My Peacock Rug

When sibling rivalry brings out the very best

By: Maraya Steadman

The Peacock Rug, 42 ½" x 32", #3- to 6-cut wool on linen.  Designed and hooked by Christine H. Goyer, Cleveland, Ohio, 2011.

Five years ago, my mother hooked a wedding rug for my brother and his new wife. I was ready to yank it out of his hands when I saw it. Two lovebirds, with the date of his wedding—it was so sweet and so beautiful, with so much of Mother in every inch. Every time I saw it, I felt waves of envy.

I got married ages ago, I reasoned with myself, before she started hooking larger pieces or doing her own design work. Still, I didn’t care. I wanted a bird rug, a big one, one as pretty and amazing and striking and “Wow!” as the one my brother got.

Eventually, Mother offered to hook a rug for me, something for my anniversary, maybe? How about a rug of the mosaic on the front of the altar at our church? The Florentine mosaic of two regal peacocks? I loved the idea.

This article is from the January/February 2013 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.


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