
Primilistic Rug Hooking

A Twist in Primitive Hooking

By: Lucy Walsh
Primilistic Rug Hooking

Rug hooking friend and fellow guild member Therese Shick has developed a twist on primitive hooking. She calls it Primilistic Hooking. It is a method of enhancing a traditionally hooked primitive rug through basic shading, directional hooking, line definition, and varied strip sizes.

The elevated goal of Primilism is to hook a primitive rug (wide cut, with generally few details, in a naïve pattern) that also has elements of a more realistic piece. A shadow-line (a cut or two narrower and a shade darker or lighter) placed in strategic places, changes a flat two-dimensional image into a three-dimensional image, while retaining its primitive style. It is a blend of primitive design and realistic techniques: primitive + realistic = Primilistic.


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