
Travel Inspiration

Capture memories of faraway places in your hooked rugs.

By: Roslyn Logsdon

Glasgow Cathedral, 22" x 33", #3-cut wool on linen.  Designed and hooked by Roslyn Logsdon, Bethesda, Maryland, 2009. 

When we leave our everyday world and travel off to distant adventures, we find inspiration in the new sights and sounds of the natural world of flowers and trees, the colorful towns, and the towering architectural structures we find along our way. We take lots of photos and go home thrilled by what we saw. When we get home, how often do we think about hooking a memory piece of a special trip? That's when we face the challenge of studying our photographs and finding just the right one to capture the perfect moment in a perfect place.
The ten rugs shown in this article were inspired by travels of nine rug hookers throughout the world.

This article is from the March/April/May 2011 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.


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