
Zodiac Collection

Twelve new rugs designed and hooked by twelve hooked rug artists from around the world to celebrate the start of the New Year.

By: Coordinated by Susan L. Feller

Aries, 26" x 18", #2- to 4-cut hand-dyed wool on linen.  Designed and hooked by Mariah Krauss, Montpelier, VT, 2011.

The Zodiac: twelve constellations, twelve equal zones around the ecliptic (equator), horoscope, astrology, sun signs, and seasonal birth signs. All over the world, people look to the stars for answers and guidance. Throughout history, the Zodiac relates symbols of star constellations to human traits. Traditionally, the Zodiac calendar begins with the vernal equinox in spring.

For this stellar, earth-bound representation of the Zodiac, fiber artists across the globe were invited to create original hooked rugs based on the Zodiac symbols. Each piece had to measure 18 by 26 inches and could be either a vertical or horizontal format. All ranges of cuts, materials, and interesting techniques are featured in the twelve works. Subtle symbols, obscure myths, and personal interpretations created the compositions. Several artists chose to use particular techniques or materials popular in their region. Many used the assignment to problem-solve a design challenge.

This article is from the January/February 2012 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.


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