
Rug Hooking with Deanne Fitzpatrick

Featuring over 40 Distinctively Deanne Rugs from the past 20 years

By: Deanne Fitzpatrick

Writing for Rug Hooking magazine for 20 years and hooking rugs even longer, Deanne Fitzpatrick decided to bring all her work together in one volume. This collection contains the many articles she has written and showcases the evolution of her artistry from her earliest projects. Working through the lessons she taught herself and others, this book will be a journey through years of styles and subjects that Deanne has covered during her career. From tips on how to create custom rugs inspired by personal sources to understanding the complexity of hooking powerful primitive rugs, Deanne's experience translates to a wealth of knowledge for all rug hookers as they create adventurous art and make memories with the rich community of rug hooking.

Comment for a chance to win this book! Just tell us:

What do you find most appealing about Deanne’s rugs – her paisley skies? Crashing waves? Wonky seaside houses? Flowers or big-boned women? Which is your favorite?



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