New Earth Designs

About Jeanne Benjamin, founder of New Earth Designs:
It's hard to believe that I've been hooking and dyeing since 1971. . time flies! It was all so intriguing. . I hooked like a fiend to learn all I could. In 1979 I obtained McGown certification. Within a few years, I began teaching at various rug schools, and workshops. Most designs interest me; but Orientals and primitives are my favorites. It's been an honor to have been in Celebration a few times. On average, I dye about 30 or more yards a week.
I'm a traveling teacher and I love it! My current teaching schedule is on my website. Contact me if you would like me to teach for your group or school. For teaching, I prefer a large, open class. . which exposes students to a variety of projects. Advance communication, and individual help, is very important. The "groupies" tell me I'm known for my colour planning skills and luscious hand dyed wools.. . . yardages, spot dyes and swatches are all shown online and available through mail order. Dyed textures are one of a kind, so they are best seen in person, or sent through email photos. At this time, due to teaching and family needs, I cannot accommodate shop "hours".
Over 500 patterns are available for your next project! New Earth Designs offers a wide diversity of copyrighted rug hooking patterns to choose from. They include Orientals, folk art, holiday, primitive, geometric, pictorial and shaded designs. These are silk screen printed for clear, dark lines. Please view my website to enjoy all the wonderful photos which will help you to select. Also on my website is the Lib Callaway Designs collection. . . wonderful primitive designs that have been treasured by rug hookers for over 45 years. I was fortunate to buy this business a few years ago, and now have many photos on my website to be viewed.
Contact information:
Jeanne Benjamin,