Readers' Gallery

Sharon Smith                                 

What do a Russian village, a grouping of Moroccan pots, and a woman riding… More

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Francine Even                                   

Being in the moment is how many would describe Francine Even and her… More

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Readers’ Gallery: Mary DeLano                                                                       

Mary DeLanos fiber arts journey began in earnest almost 10 years ago when… More

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Rose Magee                             

My mothers artistic relationship to The Last Supper dates back to 1959.… More

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Inge Hume: Rug Hooker Extraordinaire                                                                                 

Inge (pronounced Inga) Hume, member of the Pearl K. McGown Hookcrafters… More

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Readers' Gallery: Kay LeFevre                                                                   

There never seems to be enough space for most rug hookers to be able to… More

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John Flournoy: A Simpler Time                                                                   

On a chilly afternoon in March, I sat with John Flournoy in his car,… More

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Inspired by Nostalgia                                                   

Rug hooker Joanne Thomason can often be found trolling through antique… More

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Rocks and Rugs: When Opposing Textures Meet                                                                                               

My "rock rugs" consist of opposing textures brought together to complement… More

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Life Stories                                 

Sharon Townsend uses her hooked rug designs to depict her intimate… More

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A Journey Into Rug Hooking and Beyond                                                                                   

Miriam has a love of color. Shes a knitter, spinner, and weaver with… More

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Dolores Wiemann                                       

The rug hookers of Hobe Sound, Florida, held our 2nd Hooked Rug Show… More

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Grandma Reavis Lives in Harmony                                                                       

Zelma Reavis, her mother Mattie, and her six sisters hooked rugs of their… More

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Diane Phillips: Developing a Recognizable Style                                                                                                       

Diane Phillips began her rug hooking journey in the mid 1990s when she… More

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A Creative Partnership Part 2: Jocelyn Guindon                                                                                                     

Jocelyn Guindon and Tony Latham, from Montral, Qubec, Canada, are partners… More

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