WOOF/Susan Smith
First Rug

WOOF, 17" x 13", #6-, 8-, and 10-cut strips of new and recycled wool, yarn, velvet, roving, and beads on rug warp. Designed and hooked by Susan Smith, Cranberry Lake, New York, 2016.
Sometimes an oral history is more vivid than a researched and composed essay, so in the following, the writer’s questions serve as a framework for Susan Smith’s own words.
MR: Who taught you to pull loops? A friend? A teacher? A video?
SS: Char Lough, my friend, and an amazing artist. We sat in her beautiful kitchen on Silver Lake and hooked and talked through 2015 and 2016. I expect this connection of art and happy conversation will continue for years.
MR: What was your favorite part about hooking the rug, and why?
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