2001-2009 Issues of Rug Hooking Magazine

This collection features the previous issues of Rug Hooking magazine from the years 2001-2009. With five issues per year, RHM offers an abundance of rug hooking designs, exclusive patterns, profiles of rug hookers, how-to articles, and more.
The 2001-2009 issues include beloved columns such as Beyond Our Borders, Canadian Connection, and Ask the Experts. In addition to these regular contributions, RHM authors tackle all sorts of ambitious projects, from pillows to stair runners to creative masterpieces for display. Get tips on creating a portfolio or visiting an auction—all these and more great pattern inserts awaits between these pages.
Fine Cut Animals: Adding Dimension with Textured Wool by Judy Carter
Gridded Landscapes: Using a Grid System to Create Stunning Scenes by Donna Hrkman
Pattern Insert: Heart of Winter by Jyl Clark/Cat House Rugs
Big Boned Girls: The Inspiration behind a Series of Mats by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Everlasting Gardens by Emily Erickson
Beyond Our Borders: Three-Dimensional Animals by Gail Dufresne
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Unconventional Valentine by Cynthia Norwood
Reader's Gallery: Historic Rugs of Margaret Arraj by Irene S. Clark
Elements: Embellished Rugs: A Pineapple with Special Leaves and Needle Felting by B.J. Andreas
Camps & Workshops: Green Mountain Rug School by Pam Knights
Canadian Connection: Women Matters and the Congo by Rhonda Kellett
Colors to Dye For: Swatch Switch, Part 2 by Wanda Kerr
First Rug: The Art of Sailoring/Alana Kapell by Lori Myers
Cathedral Enchantment: Two Very Different Rugs from One Pattern by Betty Laine
Joining Braiding and Hooking: A Unique Combination of Wools by Kris McDermet
Hooking Across Cyberspace: An Online Contest Sparks Creativity by Maria Barton
ATHA Biennial by Carol Hocker
Inch-by-Inch by Gail Dufresne
Pattern Insert: Early Bird by Martha Reeder/GoingGray
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Flower Garden Cottage by Wendy Barton-Miller
Elements: Ragtime: Checks and Tweeds Revisited by Olga Rothschild
Camps & Workshops: TIGHR by Susan Feller
Colors to Dye For: Using it Up—Wool by Wanda Kerr
Beyond Our Borders: Hooked Vessels by Molly Colegrove
Teacher Feature: Cynthia Norwood by Barbara Carroll
First Rug: Home Sweet Home/Nellene Beaton by Lori Myers
Hooked Totes: Design a Colorful Carry-All to Fit Your Style by Norma Batastini
Reader's Choice by Staff
Wide Cuts? No Problem! Get Comfortable with Hooking Large by Gene Shepherd
Learning Rug Hooking: Tips and Trick from a Master by A.M. Littenberg
Pattern Insert: Petal Purse by Julie Mattison/Searsport Rug Hooking
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Heart-Shaped Log Cabin Mat with Sculpted Ladybug by Gail Dufresne
Ask the Expert: Binding Options by Bea Brock
Colors to Dye For: Green Goddesses by Wanda Kerr
Beyond Our Borders: Designing Hooked Face Pins by Tish Murphey
Canadian Connections: Meet the METS Rug Hookers by Susan Sutherland
Camps & Workshops: Stripes US/Japan Rug Hooking by Susan Feller
First Rug: Claire's Gift/Mary McNally by Lori Myers
Symbolism in Rug Design by Jennifer Ryan Horan
The Use of Line by Donna Hrkman
Achieving a Personal Goal: The Seven Day Rug Challenge by Melissa Elliott
Fall Pictorials by Jane Halliwell Green
Pattern Insert: Miss Silvia Squirrel by Mary Johnson/Designs in Wool
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Adding a Penny Finish to Your Mat by Joan Strausbaugh
Camps & Workshops: Star of Texas Rug Camp by Ginny Stimmel
Beyond Our Borders: Quillies for the Fun and Fashion of It by Nancy Z. Parcels
Colors to Dye For: Steamers—Quick, Easy, and Beautiful by Wanda Kerr
Reader's Gallery: Patsy Becker—A Design of Her Own Making by Lori Myers
Canadian Connection: Hooked on Contributing to the Community by Michelle Sirois-Silver
Ask the Experts: A Secure but Gentle Rug Hanging System by Melinda Russell
First Rug: Cabin Life and Love/Kim Jackson by Lori Myers
Hooking Families by Roslyn Logsdon
Big Ideas from a Small World by Gene Shepherd
Becoming Your Own Teacher by Mary Anne Wise
St. Nicholas with Chickadee by Tish Murphy
Pattern Insert: Ring Out Joy by Linda Fenandes/Salem Saltbox
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: A Lesson on Values by Norma Batastini
Ask the Experts: Snow Clean Your Rug by Angela Possak
Reader's Gallery: Rae Harrell—In Fearless Pursuit of the Bold by A.M. Littenberg
Beyond Our Borders: Prodded Christmas Wreath by Gail Dufresne
Colors to Dye For: The Power of Purple by Wanda Kerr
First Rug: The Healing Sun/Allie Stough by Lori Myers
Through the Window: A Study of Rugs with a View by Roslyn Logsdon
Preserving Your Rug's History for the Future: Documentation by Joyce Krueger
Take Stock and Move Forward in the New Year by Jenny Rupp
The Color Purple: Hooking at the Far End of the Spectrum by Susan Feller
Exclusive Pattern: Pennies from My Heart by Julie Mattison
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Lucky Seven Purse by Nola Heidbreder
First Rug: Port de Quebec Bridge by Elizabeth Oldfield
Beyond Our Borders: Felting Sweaters by Phyllis Linblade
Teacher Feature: Faith Williston by Mary Henck
Canadian Connection: Woolfest 2007 by Mary Henck
Elements: One Singular Sensation by Sue Hoss
Colors to Dye For: Making Deep, Rich Colors by Wanda Kerr
Abstract Painting on Wool by Anne-Marie Littenberg
Viewing the World as One Big Rug by Sue McClure
The Wool That Binds by Judy Quintman, Devin Walsh
Fibonacci Sequence: A Formula for Visually Interesting Color by Mary Ruelle
Let's Celebrate Sauder Village Rug Hooking Week by Kim Krieger
Exclusive Pattern: Crazy Quilt by Jeanette Szatkowski
Elements: Scrap That Border! by BJ Andreas
Colors to Dye For: Combining Unlikely Partners by Wanda Kerr
Beyond Our Borders: Hooked Pockets by Barbara Carroll
Canadian Connection: Wartime Remembrance by Frances Ennis
First Rug: Puzzle Rug by Pam Ghem
Ask the Experts: Blaze On by Vicki Stone
Exploring Geometrics: Variation on Grids and Circles by Sandra Brown
How to Hook Little House with a Lesson on Preparing Wool for Dyeing by Ramona Maddox
The Tradition Continues: 2008 McGown Exhibit by Nancy Blood
Pattern Insert: Vines and Roses by Mary Ruelle
Beyond Our Borders: Gotta Have Heart—A Pinkeep by Marilyn Laury
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: A Show of Hands by Jennifer Sheldon
Colors to Dye For: Four Great Ways to Dye by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Japanese Artist Fumiyo Hachisuka by Susan Feller
First Rug: Lollipop Flowers by Melodie Fairburn
Canadian Connection: Tis Iceton—Hip and Fearless Hooking by Nancy Angus
Elements: Hooking Fur and Hair by Elizabeth Black
Teacher Feature: Heather Ritchie, Eilla Cameron by Gene Shepherd
Dos and Don’ts of Digital Photography by Anne Marie Littenberg
Personal Expression: Designing a Pattern That is Uniquely Your Own by Liala Ralph
The Color Planning Secret by Jane Halliwell Green
From Gravestone to Rug by Wendy Miller
Hooking with Hosiery by Betty Laine
Ask the Expert: Get That Edge Flat! by Sharon Faith EcElroy
Pattern Insert: Mr. Iggy by Maria Barton
Beyond Our Borders: Scrapbook Cover by Anita White
Readers' Gallery: Suzanne Dirmaier by Anne-Marie Littenberg
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: 1 Padula, 2 Padula, 3 Padula, Fun! by Laura Pierce
Colors to Dye For: Seeing Red by Wanda Kerr
Canadian Connection: A Stumbling Block or a Stepping Stone: Patti Armstrong by Jeanne Field
First Rug: Yellow Cake by Ann Solomon
Rug Hooking Crewel Style by Nancy Claflin Blood
The Fabric of Pennsylvania: The Rags to Rugs Exhibit by Lori Myers
Personal Expression Dessing A Pattern that is Uniquely Yours, Part 2 by Liala Ralph
Creating Original Designs by Rosly Logsdon
Ask the Expert: Get Framed: Two Styles of Frame Covers by Paulette Hackman
Teacher Feature: Eric Sandburg by Susan Feller
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Robin's Rose by Robin Price
Colors to Dye For: Swatch Switch by Wanda Kerr
First Rug: Ode to Chester by Rachel van Leer
Pattern Insert: Noel Holly Basket by Marti Taylor, Connie Litfin
William Morris: Victorian Era Renaissance Man by Nancy Claflin Blood
From Stitches to Loops by Jenny Rupp
The Thin Envelope: Dealing with Rug Contest Rejection by Lynn Fowler
Exclusive Pattern: Easter Egg Tree Pillow by Jeanne Smith, Pat Brooks
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Red Bone Doggy by Nancy Jewett
First Rug: Sheep and Clouds by Arline Johnstone
Beyond Our Borders: Home Sweet Home by Gene Shepherd
Readers’ Gallery: Sally D'Albora: The People's Choice by Susan Feller
Canadian Connection: Emily Carr: A Little Old Lady on the Edge of Nowhere by Jeanne Field, Katheryn Bridge
Elements: Locker Hooking by Nola Heidbreder
Colors to Dye For: Adventures with Spot by Wanda Kerr
Stencil Secrets: Tracing the History of Edward Sands Frost by Suzanne Holtkamp
Hooked Cornices by Karen Schellinger
From Clay to Rugs by Ramona Cann
Starting a Rug Hooking Business by Victoria Jacobson
Going for a Gentle Walk: Hooking Landscapes by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Exclusive Pattern: Spring Sheep by Jeanne Smith, Pat Brooks
Readers’ Gallery: Stephanie Smith by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Elements: Streaking through My Dye Pan by BJ Andreas
Colors to Dye For: The Skinny on Skin: Creating Flesh Tones by Wanda Kerr
Beyond Our Borders: Inside the Box: Containers Made with Wool by Caryn Devlin
Canadian Connection: Carol Harvey-Clark and the Economusee Network by Paulette Hackman
Teacher Feature
First Rug: Bunny in the Pansy Patch by Cheryl Halliday
Ask the Experts: Why Does My Favorite Texture Disintegrate When Cut in a #4 strip? by Susan Feller
Color Match System: Getting the Results You Want from Any Recipe by Liala Ralph
Hookers Take on New Orleans: ATHA by Carrie Martin, Cynthia Norwood
Breaking All the Rules by Emily Robertson
Pattern Insert: Americana Home by Wendy Miller
Beyond Our Borders: Hooked Martyoshka Dolls by Carol Koerner
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hope's Rose by Nancy Jewett
Colors to Dye For: Wandering Revisited by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Reflection of Jen Lavoie's Work by Anne-Marie Littenberg
First Rug: View by Elaine McDonald
Canadian Connection: Art Hits the Wall by Sharon Ladd
Elements: Focused on Eyes by Jon Ciemiewicz
Hooking a Haunted House by Jenny Rupp
Run for the Border by Donna Hrkman
Transformation: From a Hooked Piece into a Pillow by Teresa Henn
At Last: An Easy Way to Dye by Vicki Calu
Ask the Experts: An Invisible Seam by Sharon McElroy
Pattern Insert: Jolly Halloween by Kris Miller
Beyond Our Borders: Henry: The Primitive Black Cat by Maria Barton
Teacher Feature: Joyce Smy by Lori Myers
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Wickedy Witch by Sharon Soule, Alisha Bolduc
Colors to Dye For: Brown Town by Wanda Kerr
Canadian Connection: The Fountain of Youth: Joan Norman by Judy Morris
First Rug: The Tara Rug by Barbara Peters
A Storyteller's Rug and the Story behind Making It by Toby Baker, Georgia Glass
The Art and Craft of Stained Glass by Nancy Claflin Blood
Surrounded by Love, Peace, and Joy by Nancy Jewett
Hooking What You Love, Loving What You Hook by Donna Hrkman
Beyond Our Borders: Hook a Book by Margaret Mackay
Readers’ Gallery: Flower Powered: Lulu Myers by Mary Logue
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: How to Hook Gobbles by Victoria Jacobson
Colors to Dye For: Quick Old Fashioned Colors by Wanda Kerr
Canadian Connection: Developing a Creative Community: The Square Zebras by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Elements: Iridescence by Gail Dufresne
First Rug: Binford's World by Judi Maxwell
Pattern Insert: Yule Angel by Sharon Soule, Alicia Bolduc
Making It Your Own: Redesigning and Personalizing a Commercial Pattern by Mary Henck
How to Show Color Change through Textures by Kim Nixon
Message in a Fiber Medium: A Rug to Raise Public Awareness by Donna Hrkman
Developing a Discerning Eye: What to Know Before Buying an Antique Rug by Laura Fisher
A Valuable Lesson in Values by Nancy Z. Parcels
Exclusive Pattern: Yellow Ware Pitcher Floral Pattern by Wendy Miller
Teacher Feature: Anne Boissinot by Lori Myers
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Cat's Paw Mat by Nola Heidbreder
First Rug: Passing It On by Sharon McElroy
Beyond Our Borders: Horatio-A Punch Needle Project by Linda Repasky
Readers’ Gallery: Patty Yoder by Anne Marie Littenberg
Canadian Connection: Let's Face It by Luise Bishop
Elements: Shading in Wide Cut by Maryanne Lincoln
Ask the Experts: True Bliss by Lydia Wagner
Colors to Dye For: Inspired by Nature by Wanda Kerr
A Team of Two by Gail Dufresne
Come Together: Adventure of a Rug Hooking Study Group by Anne-Marie Littenberg
Emerging Wool Trends by Maddy Fraioli
Elizabeth's Easter Parade by June Robbs
Exclusive Pattern: Vagabond Rabbit by Kris Miller, Rebecca Erb
Readers’ Gallery: Linda Rae Coughlin: Trailblazer by Susan Feller
Elements: Dippity-Do-Dah by BJ Andreas
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Adorable Sheep Purse by Wendy Miller
Colors to Dye For: Nothing but Blue Skies by Wanda Kerr
Beyond Our Borders: Hooking Primitives with Yarn by Judy Taylor
Canadian Connection: Special Effects for Backgrounds by Laura Boszormeny, Jeanne Field
Teacher Feature: Gail Dufresne by Elizabeth Black
First Rug: Family Farm by Marie Kelly
Ask the Experts: The Frame and Its Proper Use by Cindy MacMillan
Replicating Rugs of the Past by Mary Henck
Shake it Up: Textured Oriental Rug by Jenny Rupp
New Beginnings: McGown Biennial by Kim Nixon
Pattern Insert: Country Cameo by Julie Mattison
Beyond Our Borders: It's in the Bag by Robin Amodio
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Frog Purse by Anne Eastwood
Colors to Dye For: Riding the Majic Carpet by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Karl Gimber: Jack of All Trades by Susan Feller
First Rug: Summer Sorbet by Ivana Vavakova
Canadian Connection: Great Beginnings Start Somewhere in the Middle by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Ask the Experts: Choosing a Hook by Gail Dufresne
Knowledge is Freedom: Understanding Warm and Cool Palettes by Sara Ladd
Rug Hookers to the Rescue: Special Rugs for Special Dogs by Toni Johnson
TIGHT 5th Triennial: Wales by Ann Lock
An Error in Your Ways: Common Mistakes in Rug Hooking and How to Learn from Them by Janet Williams
A Hooker Lives Here: Making a Public Statement by Tish Murphy
Pattern Insert: The Village by Jeanne Field
Beyond Our Borders: Flower Power: Combining Fiber Techniques by Patricia Van Arsdale
Teacher Feature: Norma Batastini by Lori Myers
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Li'l Jack Mat: Hooking Green for Halloween by Jenny Rupp
Colors to Dye For: Sundrise-Sunset by Wanda Kerr
Elements: Fall Leaves: Freckles, Speckles, Splashes, and Swirls by Nancy Claflin Blood
First Rug: Palace Cats by Deborah Schreiber
Celebrating International Holidays with Mats and Music by Anne-Marie Littenberg
By the Chimney with Care: Christmas Stockings by Jenny Rugg, Lisa Yeago
Stepping Back in Time: A History of Currier and Ives by Nacy Claflin Blood
Gifts from the Heart and Hands by Nancy Z. Parcels
Beyond Our Borders: Right Jolly Old Elves by Cynthia Norwood
Teacher Feature: Deanne Fitzpatrick by Lori Myers
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Dianne Kelly's Tree Topper Star by Susan L'Hommedieu
Colors to Dye For: The Sky's the Limit by Wanda Kerr
Canadian Connection: The Circle of Life by Fancis Ennis
Elements: Kilim Hip Purses by Anne Boissinot
First Rug: Still Night at Murphy's Landing by Candy L. Taft
Pattern Insert: Christmas Stocking by Gene Shepherd
Fade to Blue by BJ Andreas
The Path of the Creative Journey by Tracyy Jamar
For Posterity's Sake: Creating a Portfolio by Peggy Hannum
Divine Intervention: Icon Art as Inspiration by Lori Myers
Exclusive Pattern: Creating Jesse's Arbor by Stephanie Ashworth Krauss
Teacher Feature: Joyce Krueger by Betty Krull
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Ramona's Whimsey by Ramona Maddox
First Rug: Poppy Rug by Marjorie Egee
Beyond Our Borders: Three-Dimensional Hooked Birds by Jessie Marshall
Readers’ Gallery: Ilse Schreiner by Susan Elcox
Canadian Connection: Heidi Wulfrat and Her London-Wul Farm by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Elements: About Faces: A Journey through a Landscape of Shadow and Light by Anne-Marie Littenberg
Ask the Experts: Dyeing Safety by Gail Dufresne
Colors to Dye For: Taming the Uglies by Wanda Kerr
Patternmakers, Past and Present by Susan Feller
The Wide World of Wool: A Visit to a Sheep and Wool Festival by Paulette Hackman
Raspberry Tea Cozy by Marie Azzaro
Interrelating Traditional and Contemporary Styles by Marion Ham
Through the Looking Glass by Donna Hrkman
Back to Where It All Began by Sarah Ladd
Readers’ Gallery: Pat Merilallio by Lori Myers
Elements: Finger Painting a Sunset Sky by Gail Dufresne
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Stars and Stripes: Chair Pad by Karen Kahle
Colors to Dye For: It's All White by Wanda Kerr
Beyond Our Borders: Little Critters by Jeanne Fallier
Canadian Connection: Rug Sculpting Nova Scotia Style by Carol Harvey-Clark
Teacher Feature: Pat Cross by Lori Myers
First Rug: The Bicycle Trip by Virginia Gregg
Ask the Experts: Gathering Wool by June Robbs
Backgrounds: Choosing the Best One for Your Rug by Cynthia Norwood
Kathi's Eagle Pattern by Sally Kalin
Hooking on the Edge by Paulette Hackman
Giving Back: Helping Your Community through Rug Hooking by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Elements: Cottage Style Hooking by Susan L'Hommedieu
Beyond Our Borders: Proddy Seat Pads by Cilla Cameron
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Old World Rose by Melissa Elliott
Colors to Dye For: When You Can't Stand the Heat: Crockpot Dyeing by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: The Rugs of Mabelle Linnea Holmes by Mary Henck
First Rug: Century Farm by Nancy Evans
Canadian Connection: Commissioned Pieces by Sarah Ladd
Ask the Experts: Around in Circles with Cutter Blades by Cindy Hartman
Teacher Feature: Beverly Conway by Trish Becker
Padula Web Site Fall Mat Swap by Gail Dufresne
Accessorizing Your Rug with Unusual Finishes by Jenny Rupp
Rugged American Scenery: 50 State Rugs by Molly Nye Tobey by Kory Rogers
Left-Handed Hooking by Betty Laine
Pattern Insert: Fluted Vase by Karen Kahle
Beyond Our Borders: Hat Redux: Hooking and Knitting Together by Adriene Sloane
Teacher Feature: Elizabeth Black by Gail Dufresne
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Squirrel Chase by Sue Hoss
Colors to Dye For: Electric Frying Pan Dyeing by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Jeanette Szatkowski by Betty Krull
Canadian Connection: From the Beaches of the Grand Bank: Louise Belbin by Frances Ennis
Ask the Experts: Wool Conservation Techniques by Cindy MacMillan
Elements: Branching Out: Hooking Realistic Trees by Cindi Gay
First Rug: Harmony by Pat Wig
Fair Market Appraisal by Sally Ballinger
The Twelve Days of Christmas by Susan Feller
Bringing Animals to Life with Wide Cut Woolens by Trish Becker
Hooking and the Internet: A Marriage of Old and New by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Beyond Our Borders: Prodding the Perennial Evergreen by Gail Dufresne
Teacher Feature
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Mini-Christmas Stocking and Mitten by Jeanne Smith, Pat Brooks
Colors to Dye For: Turn a Sow's Ear into a Silk Purse by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Victoria Hart Ingalls and Tom Ingalls by Jennifer Ryan Horan
Canadian Connection: Count Your Blessings by Fran Mandin
Elements: The Three "Cs" of Hooking a Landscape by Anne-Marie Littenberg
Ask the Experts: The Foundations of Good Rug Hooking by Betty McClentic
First Rug: Home Sweet Home by Jean Riley
Pattern Insert: Gift Giver by Patsy Becker
Tips on Shading Leaves and Flowers by Wanda Kerr
Antique Primitive Rugs by Evelyn Lawrence
Expanding the Art of Rug Hooking by Trudi Shippenberg
Etiquette: A Teacher Tells All by Jane Halliwell
Teacher Feature: Pris Buttler by Lori Myers
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hook a Log Cabin Purse by Laurice Heath
First Rug: Little Buckingham/Alexis Kramer by Ginny Stimmel
Beyond Our Borders: Natural and Synthetic Dyes by Susan Feller
Readers’ Gallery: The Women of Agustin Gonzales, Mexico by Lori Myers
Canadian Connection: The Rugs of Halina Biendowski by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Elements: How to Letter Rugs by Emily Robertson
Ask the Experts: Rug Critiques by Nancy Blood
The Secrets of Primitive Hooked Rugs by Barbara Carroll
Real Animals, Unreal Colors by Abby Vakay
Scrap Happy Hooking: The Art of Making Do by Pat Cross
A Good Hand: A Fiber Art Deck of Cards by Susan Feller
Readers’ Gallery: Mary Anne Wise: Rugs from the Heartland by Mary Logue
Elements: Using Templates to Create Your Own Rug by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Primitive Yo-Yo Flowers by Sue Hoss
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Making Colors Sing by Maryanne Lincoln
Beyond Our Borders: All Dolled Up by Liz Gordon
Canadian Connection: A Rug for Chantry Island by Joan Rigby
Teacher Feature: Margo White by Leslie Hoy
First Rug: Aggie's Rug/Herricka Poor by Ginny Stimmel
The Rug Hooker's Guide to Creativity by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Wedding Rugs: To Have and to Hold by Jen Ryan Horna
Healthy Hooking by Laurice Heath
Monochromatic Rugs by Nancy Blood
Elements: Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Jane Halliwell
Beyond Our Borders: Multi-Fiber Wooly Handbags by Deborah Brunner
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Molly's Star by Barbara Carroll
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Master Dyer Michele Micarelli by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Peggy Mineau by Cheryl Meese
First Rug: Autumn Afternoon/Karen Hendrson by Ginny Stimmel
It's Autumn Harvest Time by Betty McClentic
Paisleys by Cynthia Norwood
A Rug Hooker's Journey by Trish Becker
Renovation and Preservation of Hooked Rugs by Jeanne Fallier
Pattern Insert: Yellow Bird by Happy DiFranza
Beyond Our Borders: Hooked Valances by Cilla Cameron
Teacher Feature: Nancy MacLennan and Claire deRoos by Paulette Hackman
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hook a Primitive Green Gourdon Pillow by Jenny Rupp, Lisa Yeago
Colors to Dye For: Of Daffodils and Yellows by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Edyth O'Neill by Barbara Carroll
Canadian Connection: Road Trip: Nova Scotia by Lou Centers, Anne Eastwood
Ask the Experts: Cutter Class by Gail Dufresne
Elements: Unusual Techniques by Carrie Jacobus
First Rug: Pumpkin Pooch/Martha Reynolds by Lisa McMullen
Tessellations: Geometrics with a Twist by Kris Noble
The Reason for the Season by Gene Shepherd
Words into Images by Roslyn Logsdon
Impressionistic Hooking by Susan Elcox
Beyond Our Borders: Ship Ahoy: Tiny Cricket Stool by Edyth O'Neill
Teacher Feature: Sandra Brown by Lori Myers
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: The Snowman by Janey Reid
Colors to Dye For: 10 New Colors by Wanda Kerr
Readers’ Gallery: Jayne Hester by Barbara Carroll
Canadian Connection: Hooked on the Past: Newfoundland by Anna Dwyer
Elements: The Lazy Dyers Guide to Dyeing by Gene Shepherd
Ask the Experts: How to Prevent Moth Damage by Gail Dufresne
First Rug: The Lamb on Hadrians Wall/Dorothy Orzel by Ginny Stimmel
The Joy of Yarn by Judy Taylor
Primitive Impressions by Sally Kallin
The Times of Our Lives by Emily Robertson
New Lessons in Fine Shading by Sibyl Osicka
Teacher Feature: Barbara Carroll by Leslie Hoy
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Marbleize Wool for a Primitive Flower Mat by Karen Kahle
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Sun Mat by Maryanne Lincoln
Beyond Our Borders: The Search for Wool in America by Susan Feller
Readers’ Gallery: Blue and Gray Rug Hookers by Ann Nevitt
Canadian Connection: A Rug Hooking Adventure in Bermuda by Germaine James
Elements: Backing Material by D. Marie Bresch
Ask the Experts: Q&A: How to Finish by June Robbs
Dyeing of Embarrassment by June Robbs
A Primitive Garden by Karen Kahle
A Passion for Purses by Nola Heidbreder
Embellishing Excitement by Jane Halliwell
Readers’ Gallery: Linda Friedman Schmidt by Linda Friedman Schmidt
Elements: Rainbows of New Color Combination by Joan Patterson
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Patchwork Crow by Donna Lovelady
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Three New Greens by Maryanne Lincoln
Beyond Our Borders: Hooking with Fleece by Connie Arlitt
Canadian Connection: The History of TIGHR by Jeanne Field
Teacher Feature: Michele Micarelli by Jennifer Ryan
First Rug: Noah's Ark/Marilyn Lowder by Wyatt Myers
Three from One by Charlotte Lyons
A Taste of Southern Hospitality by Carol Snyder
A Few of Our Favorite Rugs by Lisa McMullen
We Are Folk by Jule Marie Smith
The Castle Technique by Eric Sandberg
Elements: Hooking Leaves by Betty Krull
Beyond Our Borders: A Hooked Footstool by Kim Nixon
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: A Beginner's Finely Shaded Floral Motif by Betty McClentic
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Summer Colors by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: The Amazing Jane Olson by Gene Shepherd
Canadian Connection: A Children's Rug Hooked for the World by Zosia Lacz
Ask the Experts: Copyright Law by Jennifer Ryan
Halloween Rugs by Jenny Rupp, Lisa Yeago
The Mysterious Rugs of the Middle East by Nancy Blood
Finishing Hooked Rugs by Margaret Siano
Hooking an Inspired Rug by Rae Harrell
Elements: Extra Wide Cuts by Anne Eastwood
Beyond Our Borders: Heirloom Blocks by Karen Poetzinger
Teacher Feature: Sharon Townsend by Lori Myers
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Color Planning for Geometric Patterns by Suzanne Hamer
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Bright Circus Colors by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: Kathi Blake by Lisa Nelson
Canadian Connection: Acadian Ladies of Les Hookeuses du Bor'de'lo by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Ask the Experts: Copyright Law by Jennifer Ryan
First Rug: The New House/Julie Steedman by Lisa McMullen
The Many Faces of Santa Claus by Donna Lovelady
Hooking Outside the Box by Karen Lahteine
A Heavenly Hooked Christmas Tree by Anne Mather
Men Who Hook by Gene Shepherd
Beyond Our Borders: 3D Holiday Dolls by Laurice Heath
Teacher Feature: Dianne Kelly by Susan L'Hommedieu
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hook a Santa Mat by Cindi Gay
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Sea Lion by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: Sarah Province by Lori Myers
Canadian Connection: Mini-Memories Motifs by Jeanne Field
Elements: Motifs Anyone Can Draw by Ramona Cann
First Rug: Penguins/Lynn Beaton by Lisa McMullen
Creating Cityscapes by Victor Emil Pell
Room-Sized Rugs by Judy Soehnge
An Art Class Hooks Rugs by Brenda Beerhorst
Teacher Feature: June Mikoryak by June Robbs
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: How to Hook a Fringed Oriental by Jacqueline Hansen
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Egg Yolk Yellow by Maryanne Lincoln
Beyond Our Borders: Paint, the Hook by Cilla Cameron
Readers’ Gallery: A Designing Woman: Emma Webber by Catherine Siegel
Canadian Connection: A Cherished Collection by Sarah Ladd
Elements: Marbelizing Wool by Karen Kahle
Lessons from Old Rugs by Doris Eaton
The Art of Teaching by D. Marie Bresch
America's Hope and Glory by Liz Gordon
First Rug Gallery by Lisa McMullen
Readers’ Gallery: Isobel White by Jeanne Fallier
Elements: Hooking Hits from Padula by Wanda Kerr
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: How to Hook Lone Pine by Lisa Nelson
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Chat Noir by Maryanne Lincoln
Beyond Our Borders: Antique Rugs on the Auction Block by George Kahnle
Canadian Connection: Doris Eaton: Grande Dame of Rug Hooking by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Teacher Feature: Harriet Brown by Leslie Hoy
The Great "Original vs. Pattern" Debate by Anne Mather
Something Old and Something New by Laurie Wiles
An Insider's View by Caryn Devlin
Elements: Shaping Wool for Dyeing by Kathleen Gorman
Beyond Our Borders: Tips on Finding and Buying the Perfect Antique Rug by George Kahnle
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hook a Folk Art Angel by Sue Hoss
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: The Perfect Background Color by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: Michaele Kustudic by Michaele Kustudic
Canadian Connection: The Tale of Ann Hallett by Jeanne Field
Teacher Feature: Sandy Kandris by Leslie Hoy
A Room of One's Own by Anne Mather
Capturing the Essence by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Hooking History by Gene Shepherd
From Me to You by Lisa McMullen
Beyond Our Borders: A Tour of America's Oldest Wool Mill by Susan Feller
Teacher Feature: Carol Kassera by Leslie Hoy
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hooking a Unique Holiday Stocking by Betty Lew Duff
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: New Formulas for Our Favorite Complementary Colors: Purple and Yellow by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: Marion Ham by Leslie Hoy
Canadian Connection: Canadian Creative Stitches by Anne Eastwood
Ask the Experts: A Critique of Three Student's Rugs by Jane Halliwell
Elements: Create Your Own Rug Pattern by Sharon Townsend
First Rug: Skating Snowmen/Jill Heustess by Wyatt Myers
Folk Art Rugs by Dick LaBarge, George Kahnle
Connecting People through Creativity by Gene Shepherd
Joan Moshimer: The Complete Rug Hooker by Anne Ashworth, Verna Cox
Native Festival Masks by Jeanne Field
The Pittsburgh Rug by Connie Hughes, Lois Sherwood
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: How to Hook Jack Frost by Sandy Kandris
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Antique Rose and Variations by Maryanne Lincoln
Beyond Our Borders: Hooked Hybrids by Kim Dubay
Readers’ Gallery: Roslyn Logsdon by Bernice Howell
Canadian Connection: Campus Hookers by Sarah Ladd
Elements: How to Strip Wool by Victoria Calu
Memories of Mom and Dad by Roslyn Logsdon
New Bedford Inn in 1810 by Judy Gibbons
Hooking with Unusual Materials by Abby Vakay
New Tools for Hooking by Jane Halliwell
Living with Macular Degeneration by Linda Rae Coughlin
Jar Dyeing Instructions by Maryanne Lincoln
Historical Rug Hooking Demonstrations by Robin Rennie
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: How to Hook a Sunflower Inch Mat by Gail Dufresne
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Six Circus Colors by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: Bettina Drake Maraldo by Lara Moody
Canadian Connection: Tilley's Tea by Sarah Ladd
Teacher Feature: Mary Paul Wright by Leslie Parker Williams
First Rug: Little House on the Prairie by Lenore Cummings
Japanese and American Rug Hookers Present an Exhibit by Marily Bottjer
Monochromatic Rugs by Jane McGown Flynn
Listen to Your Rug by Lewis Creed
Elements: Crocheted Edges by Nola Heidbreder
Beyond Our Borders: Hooking with Denim by Verna Cox
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: How to Hook Patriotic Heart by Mary Ann Goetz
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Butterscotch Bears by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: A Lifetime of Rug Hooking: Marry Milligan's Story by Loraine Arnold
Canadian Connection: Special Messages in Rugs by Deanne Fitzpatrick
Teacher Feature: Linda Kerlin by Leslie Hoy
First Rug: Dancing in the Woods/Heidi Moody by Lisa McMullen
Water, Water, Everywhere by Sally Ballinger
The Yorkshire Millennium StoryRug by Marny Cardin
One Woman's Vision by Lesa McMullen, Celia Oliver
Hints from a Primitive Spirit by Karen Kahle
Elements: Hooking Sunbeams by Victoria West Calu
Beyond Our Borders: Australian Locker Hooking by Dorothy Panaceck
Teacher Feature: Maggie McLea by Judy Fresh
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: How to Hook Teddy Bear with His Jack-O-Lantern by Chris Sayles
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Baby Elephant Joins the Parade by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: An Artist’s Coach: Sandra Cheverie by Olga Rothschild
Canadian Connection: From Fiber to Bronze and Back Again by Sarah Ladd
First Rug: Malcom's Son Salutation/Darlene Abajian by Lisa McMullen
Cyber Mat Swap by Heather Hanchett Burns
The Ups and Downs of Stair Rugs by Emily Robertson
A Special Teacher's Special Project by Soni Cassell
Braiding Hooks Hookers by Nancy Young
Beyond Our Borders: Spinning Wool by Judy Carter
Teacher Feature: Jane King by Carol Ambrozy
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hooking a Christmas Stocking by Jeanne Smith and Pat Brooks
Recipes from the Dye Kitchen: Dip Dyeing for a Giant Pansy by Maryanne Lincoln
Readers’ Gallery: Born into Hooking: Rosalie Lent by Jeanne Fallier
Canadian Connection: Highland Santa by Sarah Ladd
First Rug: Farm Scene/Tia LaFreniere by Lisa McMullen