Lemonade in the Era of Covid-19

How are you doing? How was your summer? Are you enjoying the excuse to isolate and stay home, or are you going stark raving mad? I’ve seen both reactions among my friends, family, and colleagues; I suspect you have too.
A wise person once said, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” We can all agree there have been quite a few lemons tossed our way this year. So what do we do? We look around to see what we can do to make life better. Here’s a big lemon: No Rug Hooking Week. Unheard of! What can we do to fill the void? No rug hooking schools, camps, or hook-ins? Let’s see what we can do to help our readers keep on hooking. A little inspiration here, some instruction there—what are the possibilities? Turns out there are a good many.
I hope you were able to watch our Virtual Celebration events in August. We had great fun getting that ready for you, and it was gratifying to make a special event of our Celebration book launch. Of course, it is not the same as all being together, but the virtual presentation meant that even more of our fellow rug hookers were able to participate. If you missed it, visit our website www.rughookingmagazine.com where you will find a link.
We’re looking at more virtual events, so keep your eyes and ears open! We’ll have information for you as soon as we work out the details.
We’re not back to normal yet, and no one can predict how long it will be until the new normal settles in. So, in the meantime, from all of us to all of you, take good care of yourselves. Use this extraordinary time in the best way you can. Pour another glass of lemonade and enjoy this slower pace. Someday we will look back on this time in wonder.
With love,
Debra Smith