Theology Rugs
A look at the Meaning of Life through a rug hooker's eyes

Who Cooked the Last Supper?, 36" x 26", #4-and 6-cut wool and cotton lace on linen. Designed and hooked by Emily Robertson, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2006.
A friend of mine once said that theology is about naming, and naming has power—the power to shape the way people perceive their lives and their world. With that in mind, I have selected seven of my theology rugs to write about in this article. All people believe something about the meaning of life. You and I may differ about the details, but I think we can all enjoy the fact that deep meaning can be conveyed through our art of rug hooking.
This article is from the November/December 2010 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.