Masterful Morris - Chizuko Hayami

Dimensions: 35" x 54"
Materials: #3-cut Dorr wool on linen
Designed by Jane McGown Flynn and hooked by Chizuko Hayami, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan, 2012.
Featured in: Celebration XXIII
"This is a larger pattern than the one I hooked and taught at McGown Northern Teachers’ Workshop in 2005. I hooked two smalls at that time. Each rug were used only three values of one color. It was fun, but I would like to hook a larger piece of this with other colors. In Morris designs, there are often some turn-over of the large long leaves, named Acanthus. So, I put some turn-overs for my taste. Also, I put real red and blue-mauve for the accent. I think I could know William Morris designs and colors much better."
- Chizuko Hayami, Celebration Hall of Fame
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