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Get inspired with this selection of rug hooking tutorials, coloring techniques and more.

The Value of Value                                             

The simplest way to explain the use of value is that value puts the polish… More

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In Honor of Great Women                                                       

Every once in a while, a truly great person inspires the world. Ruth Bader… More

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Accepting a Commission                                                     

When I received a call from one of my pottery clients about commissioning… More

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Canadian Connection: Herstory Backstory                                                                                       

I love a good story. Heritage-based art-crafts are filled with them, and… More

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Remembering ... Celebration XIX                                                                       

It's 2009, and the first year that high-resolution digital images could be… More

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Remembering ... Celebration X                                                                   

This year's Celebration is even more true to its name because of the… More

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On Becoming a Hooker                                                 

I know I am not alone. Legions of Baby Boomers like me are retiring in… More

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This Year’s Readers’ Choice Winners                                                                                       

Each year, Celebration of Hand-Hooked Rugs gives readers the opportunity… More

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International Rug Hooking Day December 4, 2020                                                                                                     

Each year, December 4 is celebrated as International Rug Hooking Day. All… More

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Old Rugs Do Talk                                         

The summer of 2013 will be a season of celebration in the village of… More

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In a Flower Garden                                             

I love flower garden plansthose simple line drawings that indicate the… More

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Rug Hooking Week 2015                                                   

Back in the fall, as I was gathering Rug Hooking Week information from… More

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A Wooly Saga                                 

Seven cities, seven opportunities to buy wool. I would have to be careful… More

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Ask the Experts: How to Put on a Show                                                                                   

Have you ever wanted to organize a rug hooking show? Have you felt… More

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A Background Check                                             

Remember last month when we were thinking about light, shading, and… More

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