Grace Collette: Class of 2018

Name: Grace Collette
Location: Chester, New Hampshire
Tell us a bit about yourself. What are some of your interests and hobbies?
Besides, of course, a profound passion for rug hooking, I enjoy camping, photography, gardening, all sorts of needlework, my very large family, and my chickens.
How did you get introduced to rug hooking?
I took a course at the local YWCA about 45 years ago because it was the only craft course they offered and got totally hooked.
What was your first project?
My first project was a 2' x 3' rug, using a #3 cut with fine shading, and all the wool I had to dye myself (and can you believe, I loved it).
Is there one rug that stands out as being particularly memorable?
Yes, my Rescue of La Bella Julia is my favorite, as it was the most challenging design, especially incorporating perspective and drama, and a very difficult color plan—mostly all gray water and sky. Also, water and sky are the hardest to hook, painterly anyway..
Is there a particular style of rugs that you're most interested in hooking?
Yes, most of my rugs are all story rugs.
What's your favorite part about hooking a rug?
The challenge of each phase, always reaching out to conquer new peaks and lose myself in the process.
What's a piece of advice you'd give to a new rug hooker?
Just love what you're doing and explore your creativity.
What do you love most about Celebration?
Celebration inspires me to greater heights, to expand myself creatively
Table of Contents
Peace, Celebration XXI

"Upon retiring, I decided to return to hooking and to hook a deer as a gift for my son, as his passion is hunting. Ready-made patterns seemed too formal, with deer..." Read more.
Geronimo, Celebration XXII

"For my next rug, I decided to make a rug that makes people smile. One of my cherished memories is that of my father singing while my mother played the piano after supper. Their favorite song was..." Read more.
Waiting for Leftovers, Celebration XXIII

"I wanted to make a rug that was not just about color and design but would bring out emotion. As our family sat around a campfire, cooking marshmallows, in Arcadia National Park, it came to..." Read more.
Rescue of La Bella Julia, Celebration XXIV

"This is a tribute to the courageous men of the U.S. Coast Guard, who rescued my son from a fierce storm off the coast of Maine. The waves in the front are done in Waldoboro 3-D with many novelty..." Read more.
Child of the Universe, Celebration XXV

"This mat was inspired by the poem 'Desiderata' by Max Ehrmann: 'You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here, and whether or not it is clear..." Read more.
Scenes of My Childhood, Celebration 27

"This is inspired by the words to the song 'The Old Oaken Bucket' by George Kiellmark, which my grandmother used to sing to me: 'How dear to my heart are the scenes...' " Read more.
Springtime on the Island from Grammy's Back Door, Celebration 28

"This rug was inspired by happy memories of rowing with my brother and our dog from the family cottage in Maine. I chose a red and green split..." Read more.
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