Nest Eggs--The Evolution of a Design
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker

Nest Eggs, 14" diameter, #5- and 8-cut wool and roving on linen. Designed and hooked by Karen Larsen, Elliottsburg, Pennsylvania, 2012.
Have you ever started a rug hooking project with one idea in mind and then found it morphed into something quite different? That was my experience with this crow’s nest project. One idea turned into another idea and then ended up as something a bit different. “Go with the flow” was my mantra as I hooked this piece.
Most of my original designs include a bird as the main focus. This time, I wanted to make a round piece depicting a bird’s-eye view of a crow’s nest—eggs and all.
This article is from the January/February 2013 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.