Land of Liberty
Hook a patriotic landscape

Land of Liberty, 20" x 14", #8-cut wool and yarn on linen. Designed and hooked by Janine Broscious, Monrovia, Maryland, 2016.
While feeling patriotic one day, I decided to hook a piece to show my love for this great country. I thought of the many patriotic rugs I have seen in the past and wondered what I could design that would be different. I was visiting my son and his family in the middle of farm country, and the song, “This land is my land, this land is your land . . .” was floating through my mind. My granddaughters wanted me to draw and color with them. I began drawing a farm with hills behind it. Before I knew it, the hills became our beautiful flag. I loved it! I was eager to hook what I thought showed that this land is “Our Land” and one that we all have a great responsibility to love and care for.
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