Albert Wile--Worm Digger
Dimensions: 28" x 31"
Materials: #2- and 3-cut wool on linen
Designed and hooked by Suzanne Gunn, Centreville, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2007.
Featured in: Celebration XVIII
"I loved the process of this hooking. It all happened by chance. I had gone to a local beach to take photos and saw Albert way out on the tidal flats. I walked out to see if he would be willing to have his photo taken. After shooting many pictures, I was sure I would have a winner.
The next challenge was to capture his personality and convey his way of life. From this point on, I have hooked all my portraits on a large scale. In order to achieve the realism I desire, large format has been the way to go for me."
- Suzanne Gunn, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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