No Greater Love
Dimensions: 22 1/2" x 30"
Materials: #3-cut hand-dyed wool on bleached linen
Designed and hooked by Donna Hrkman, Dayton, Ohio, 2017. Photo by Dan Hrkman.
Featured in: Celebration 28
"No Greater Love is based on a photograph my father took of my mother and me when I was six months old. I wanted to capture the feeling of that moment. It was taken in August 1958.
I chose a monochromatic purple color scheme. The rug features lilacs, my mom's favorite flowers, so the color contributed to the design. I've hooked monochromatic rugs before, but never in purple, so it was fun to play with. To achieve the range of values, I dyed eight half-yard pieces of white wool from the lightest to the darkest values, using a single dye color."
- Donna Hrkman, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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