The Red Rug
Dimensions: 57" x 60"
Materials: #3–6-cut hand-dyed wool on monk's cloth
Adapted from Needlework Designs by Gwen Marston and designed and hooked by Joyce Krueger, Waukesha, Wisconsin, 2018.
Featured in: Celebration 29
"The Red Rug was started in 2013. Many of the motifs are taken from Needlework Designs by Gwen Marston’s. Others are from free designs found on the internet.
All the wool was dyed with the same formula, the motifs are dyed over pink wool and the background dyed over brown wool.
Since it took six years to hook, the rug has travel to a number of states via car and air.
The name of the rug came from people asking, ‘Is the Red Rug done yet’ or ‘Are you still working on the Red Rug’.
There is a red and white quilt that has the same motifs on it. The embroidery was done by my mother, Dagmar Kaufman, and I did the hand quilting."
- Joyce Krueger, Celebration Hall of Fame 2019
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