Romance Series, Part 3

Dimensions: 19" x 23 1/2"
Materials: #3-, 4-, and 5-cut wool on linen
Designed and hooked by Cecille Caswell, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada, 2005.
Featured in: Celebration XVI
"This was a silly kick I was on that carried on from Part 1 & 2 when I had seen a couple walking on the beach. Seeing a romantic couple having dinner together leapt out at me and sparked something in me to continue this relationship series. Today I can look at them and laugh at the hooking stages I have gone through. It also allowed me to use the bright colours I love. I had used the blue background previously and liked its movement. The most challenging area would be hooking the mini oriental rug and creating the look of fabric in the curtains without detail."
- Cec Caswell, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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