Katy Powell: Class of 2023

Name: Katy Powell
Location: Milwaukie, Oregon
Tell us a bit about yourself. What are some of your interests and hobbies?
I am happily working as a real estate agent in the greater Portland area and still married (45 years and counting) to my wonderful photographer husband Owen Carey. In the past, I worked for my father’s Rumpelstiltskin’s punch hooking company, managed Owen’s photo studio, and pursued an acting career while raising our three children. In addition to my beloved rug hooking, I enjoy playing mahjong and bridge with my good friends, plus all kinds of games with my grandson, Jet. Life is a rollercoaster!
How did you get introduced to rug hooking?
My father advertised his Rumpelstiltskin’s products in Rug Hooking Magazine in the ’80s and ’90s. I loved reading the articles and vowing that someday I would learn to hook those beautiful rugs. My first workshop was at the Rockaway, Oregon, “Friends by the Sea” camp.
What was your first project?
I punched hundreds of rugs with Rumpelstiltskin’s electric needle before learning the traditional hooked method. Finally, I took a workshop over 20 years ago and hooked a Celtic Knot from an ancient design. Of course, I used found and old materials, but that rug lasted 20 years in front of my kitchen sink.
Is there one rug that stands out as being particularly memorable?
My first fairy tale adaptation was Little Red Riding Hood illustrated by Jesse Wilcox Smith. I first saw it on a greeting card, way before I started traditional rug hooking, and vowed that someday I would learn how to hook it and do it justice. It started my love of honoring famous illustrators.
Is there a particular style of rugs that you're most interested in hooking?
I am very fond of fine hooking, even though I admire many other styles. I’m a finicky hooker and enjoy the process much more than finishing the rug itself.
What's your favorite part about hooking a rug?
I love the planning and actual hooking, discovering the design as I hook away. Tracing and finishing are not the fun parts for me.
What's a piece of advice you'd give to a new rug hooker?
Find a great group of hookers that will be your “village.” You will learn as you hook and discover wonderful friendships along the way.
What do you love most about Celebration?
I so admire my fellow hookers. Their amazing work challenges me to try new methods and search for art that inspires me. Celebration is the best of the best!
Table of Contents
Missing Ewe

Missing Ewe, 20” x 20”, #3- and 4-cuthand-dyed and as-is wool on monk’s cloth. Designed by C.M. Burd and hooked by Katy Powell, Milwaukie, Oregon, 2020.
I have a passion for fairy tales and famous children’s book illustrators. Many of my themed fairy tales and nursery rhyme rugs have been images have been images from the late 1800s and early 1900s. This classic Little Bo Peep illustration by C.M. Burd (1873-1933) was a favorite of mine when I was a little girl.
Currier & Ives Landscape, Fruit, and Flowers

Currier & Ives Landscape, Fruit, and Flowers, 50” x 36”, #3- and 4-cut hand-dyed wool on burlap. Designed by Heirloom Rugs and hooked by Katy Powell, Milwaukie, Oregon, 2020.
Victoria Avenue

Victoria Avenue, 60" x 20", #3- and 4-cut hand-dyed wool on monk’s cloth. Designed by Ingrid Hieronimus and hooked by Katy Powell, Milwaukie, Oregon, 2016.
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