The Circus Rolls Into Town

Dimensions: 38" x 38"
Materials: #2- to 5-cut hand-dyed and as-is wool on linen
Designed and hooked by Lyle Drier, Waukesha, Wisconsin, 2016. Photo by Dennis Drier.
Featured in: Celebration 27
"Another vacation, more photos, another idea for a rug! We spent the day at Circus World Museum in Baraboo and loved the antique circus wagons... especially their wheels. The center of the rug features some of the wheels. To add interest, I cut some of the wheels in half and straightened them out to make the borders. There were many more wheels than I could use, and to incorporate a few more, I use a quarter of four wheels for the corner blocks. This is another case where I drew the pattern directly onto the linen to make sure all the lines were straight."
- Lyle Drier, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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