Mother and Child

Dimensions: 17 1/2" x 14 1/2"
Materials: #4-cut hand-dyed wool on linen
Adapted from The Three Ages of Women by Gustav Klimt and hooked by Val Flannigan, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, 2016. Photo by Graeme Flannigan.
Featured in: Celebration 27
Teacher: Donna Hrkman
"I really like the art work of Gustav Klimt. I cropped his Three Ages of Woman to just the heads of the mother and child for my pattern. This was only the second portrait that I had hooked. In hooking a self portrait, I had used mauve tones for definition. In this piece, I chose to use blue for definition. I thought that this would give the skin a more transparent look in both the mother and child. I used the random method of hooking for all the skin areas. I had to give a lot of thought in the child’s skin. I wanted it to be rosier, especially in shading the shoulder area.
For me, the biggest challenge was in hooking the child’s hair and ear. I did not want it to take on a helmet-like appearance. In the opposite the mother’s hair was the most fun to hook."
- Val Flannigan, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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