Remembering ... Celebration XXIII

It's 2013, and this edition has not one but two entries from rug hookers who chose to set aside individual projects and submit a group project under a group name. Throughout history, unnamed artists have enriched us and our world. Here's to all of the "Anonymous was a Rug Hooker" artists whose legacy continues to inspire us! And here's to the artists of Celebration XXIII!
Diane Ayles - The Purple House
Linda Bell - Adam
Jasmine Benjamin - Lucinda's Quilt
Sheri Bennett Bradley - Primitive
Sara Beth Black - Seasons
Brenda Stovall Cain - A Mother's Heartstrings
Judy Carter - Mojo
Annette Cochrane - Bunny Bling
Judy Cole - Contemplation
Grace Collette - Waiting for Leftovers
Susan DiPuma - Easter Sunday
Lyle Drier - Woman in Sepia
Cyndy Duade - Colchester Bed Rug
Carolyn Ells - Ginger
Gail Ferdinando - At the Beach
Val Flannigan - Olifant
Gunda Gamble - In the Woods Abstract
Diane Gill - Lives Woven Together
Kathleen Harwood - The Alice Rug
Chizuko Hayami - Masterful Morris
Heart of Texas ATHA Chapter - Rags to Riches
Sally Hentges - Closing the Bargain
Donna Hrkman - Alzheimer's Rug
Trish Johnson - Working on the Railroad
Capri Boyle Jones - Endurance
Sandy Katulak - Give Ye Thanks
Holly Kingdon - Curb Stones and Crosses
Carol Koerner - Dylan's Bike
Sharon A. Kollman - Foxglove
Janice Lee - Ghost Horse
John L. Leonard - Fantasy Painting
Martha Lowry - Fall Challenge
Diane Luszcz - Queen Mary
Karen Maddox - Quaint
Teresa Matheny - Gallospace
Mary McGrath - Crewel Firescreen
Holly Lynn McMillan - Painted Prairie
Laura McNeice - Rooster
Michele Micarelli - Guarding Marina
Karen Miller - Solitude
Margaret Miller - Life in the Garden
Fritz Mitnick - Blackbird
Carol W. Murphy - Four Guardians
Susan Nash Bigelow - Pinecones
Shawn Niemeyer - BEElieve
Roland Nunn - Yellowstone
Kyoko Okamura - Peonies and Birds
Brigitta Phy - Eastman Still Life
Lynne Powell - Symphony
Robin Winton Price - Rowe Antique
Betty Rafferty - Four Square Floral
Julie Reilly - Oliver Cromwell
Elise Roberts - Africa's Gift
Kristi Roberts - 1845 Fraktur Eagle
Lynn Ruedger - Emma Lou and Grace Go to School
Rug Hookers of Yarmouth - Doorways of Yarmouth
Joan D. Sample - Native American Series #3 Southeast Woodlands
Suzanne Sandvik - Autumn Landscape
Elaine Saxton - Royalty
Denny Seyller - Muck
Irene Shell - Shaker Carrier with Flowers
Kathy Stephens - A Sunny Garden
Judy Stevens - Blackbird
Kathryn Taylor - Toronto Graffiti
Cindy Trick - Checkered Jardiniere
Barbara Twigg - Farm Serenity
Simone Vojvodin - My First Love
Deborah Walsh - My Rug Hooking Story
Lucy Walsh - Spirit Bear
Brigitte Webb - I Wish
Mary Beth Westcott - Blue-Footed Boobies
Karen Whidden - Dream
Timmie Wiant - Jim
Diana Wilcox - David's Vine
Cathy Williams - Rooster Fraktur
Jan Winter - Berks County